Sunday, February 23, 2014



It is the presence of red blood cells in the urine.


Macroscopic Haematuria: A substantial haemorrhage imparting a reddish or brownish colour to the urine
Microscopic Haematuria: Hematuria detected by dipstick test.


Hematuria can either be:

Painless or painful
Macroscopic or microscopic
Intermittent or continuous
Initial or terminal or total
(Initial means only at the start of urination and it denotes Lower urinary tract cause. Terminal points to severe bladder irritation caused by stone or infection and total haematuria points to Upper urinary tract causes)


Important Points

Haematuria is always abnormal whether microscopic or macroscopic
May be caused by lesion anywhere in the urinary tract
Is Investigated by :
                Examination of midstream specimen for infection
                Cytological examination of urine specimen
                Intravenous urogram and/or urinary tract ultrasound scan
                Flexible or rigid cystoscopy
It is commonly caused by urinary infection, especially in young women.

 Differential Diagnosis of red urine

       Anthrocyanin in beets and blackberries
       Chronic lead and mercury poisoning
       Phenolphthalein (in bowel evacuants)
       Phenothiazines (e.g., Compazine)


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